Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Elizabeth McCauslin Maxwell News Article

Elizabeth McAuslin, News Article

Serious Accidents—Failure of Wheat And Potato Crops—News Notes.
Special Correspondence.
Peoa, Summit Co., Sep. 20.—In a recent Issue of the “News” a list of the veterans of the hand cart companies was given, along with a notice of the reunion which will be held in Salt Lake City during conference week. Another veteran, who it seems, was overlooked in making up the list, is Mrs. Elizabeth McCauslin Maxwell, who came across the plains in Capt. Daniel McArthur’s hand cart company in 1836. Mrs. Maxwell and her husband, Arthur Maxwell, brought an orphan child four years old, all the way across the plains on their hand cart. The Old lady—she is now 75 years of age—has many pleasant recollections of the journey, and speaks in the highest term of the captain of the company, Daniel McArthur, who was a good man, kind and true, who did all that was in his power to make the journey as pleasant as possible under the conditions. Mrs. Maxwell has a great desire to attend the reunion of the veterans.
The name of Ellen Russell “Maxfield” of Cowley, Wyo., was published as one of Capt. McArthur’s company. There is an error in the name: it should have been Ellen Russell Maxwell; the lady lived in Peoa for over 33 years and is the wife of John Maxwell.
The 19th of this month was a cold, disagreeable day, and snow fell in the mountains east of town. The wheat and potato crop has been an entire failure this season, owing to the severe frost of Aug. 11. The hay crop is good, while the oats will turn out fairly well.
Henry B. Williams, an old and respected citizen of this place, has been dangerously ill for some weeks past.
B. F. Miles, while attending to his cows, was severely hurt by one of the cows crushing him against a stone wall. The bone of this neck was dislocated, and he has been in a critical condition: he has been unable to move his arms and legs for over three weeks, but is now some better and there is hopes of a complete recovery from the accident.
Oscar Wilkins was severely hurt a short time ago by being run over by a wagon load of hay: the gentleman is now able to be around again.
Arthur Maxwell, M. H. Bleazard and others have purchased a steam saw mill and have all arrangements made for starting up business. The mill is located on the divide between the Weber and Bear rivers and about 30 miles northeast of Peoa.
Mrs. Wilson of Oregon has been here visiting her sister, Mrs. Isabella Maxwell, during the past two weeks or more.
Several young ladies and gentlemen from here have gone to Salt Lake City to attend the L. D. S. university.

This information was posted on http://walkerboot.com/elizabeth-mcauslin-news-article/#more-1250.  I am still trying to find the original source.

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