Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mary Jane Nuttall Patriarchal Blessing

Mary Jane Nuttall Broadbent
Patriarchal Blessing

Patriarchal blessing given by Patriarch E.H. Blackham at Elsinore, Sevier County Utah, August 11, 1889 upon the head of Mary Jane Nuttall Broadbent, daughter of Thomas Nuttall and Mary Standring born at Roehdale, Lancashire, England, June 21st 1843.

Mary Jane, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, having the authority to bless I lay my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee this a father’s or patriarchal blessing which will bless thee in years to come.  Thy lineage is of the house of Jacob through the loins of Ephraim; thou art entitled to the blessings of the New & Everlasting covenant for the Lord and had mercy on Thee and brought thee forth to accept this New and Everlasting Covenant and He will greatly bless thee and multiply thee and enlarge thee.  Thou art laying a foundation that thou wilt look with pleasure upon from generation to generation for God has heard thy prayers and will abundantly bless thee for all thy sorrows.  Thou art greatly favored of the Lord and a chosen vessel to bring about much righteousness in the earth for the Lord will open the eyes of thy understanding, see the heavenly bodies, converse with the departed thou shalt have power to lay on hands to heal the sick, cast out devils comfort the afflicted and greatly aid the daughters of Zion.  Thou shalt have a numerous posterity to rise up and call thee blessed and none of them shall be lost.  Thy soul shall be inspired insomuch that thou wilt be called and chosen to guide and direct many of the sisters and greatly aid them in the work of the Lord.  Thy name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life never to be erased and if thou wilt contend earnestly for it the Lord will give unto thee the gift of discernment and through this thou wilt be able to see as thou art seen and know as thou art know; for Thine obedience and willingness to obey the Gospel of the Son of God.  The Lord loveth thee and will bless thee insomuch that thou will have power to overcome and be numbered with the sanctified, for the Lord will give unto thee the great blessing to become one of the elect of God for He will bless thee throughout all thy generations for thy name shall be had in honor for ever. Peace and the glory of God shall abide in thy habitation.  ?? fear not, be humble, be patient for the Lord will stand by thee.  Thou shalt overcome all thy enemies for thou shalt have the desire of the heart in righteousness and no good thing shalt be withheld from thee.  The peace and the blessings of the Lord shall be with thee and go with thee wherever thou goest for the Lord will not forsake thee.  Let they heart be comforted for the Lord will not forsake his covenant children.  Thou shalt be blessed in all thy day; thou shalt live to do a great work in the Temple of the Lord for thy progenitors for thou shalt be called a Savior upon Mount Zion.  I seal upon thee all thy former blessings with the blessings of the House of the Lord to come forth in the day of the Lord Jesus in the first resurrection clothed upon with immortality and eternal lives in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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